Saturday, August 24, 2019

Effective Assessment Practices Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Effective Assessment Practices Paper - Essay Example Therefore, enrolled medical attendants need to utilize various sources to distinguish answers for clinical practice issues, including perusing through proficient nursing diaries. The following are some of the pros and cons of the various assessment method used in nurse practice: While numerous educators incorporate reflection as part of their practice, fewer use basic steps is crucial to further student’s obligation regarding their learning. High-stake choices incorporate sound appraisal systems that profit both the learner and the clients (Ancess 2000). Once stated, the comprehensive assessment process must approve the information, aptitudes and judgment needed by the student’s medical attendant to practice proficiently and securely. Accessible quantitative and qualitative information has proved that the portfolio might be a valuable and dependable evaluation tool, if the fitting measures and backups are set up also (Ancess, 2000). These backups incorporate furnishing assessors with a sound and comprehensive evaluation tool, and concentrated preparation. Portfolios are suitable as blended reports of their prosperity are developed. Portfolios in post-graduate health awareness instructions are useful in helping intelligent practice, conveying summative appraisal, supporting information administration forms, and are a key association between learning at authoritative and individual levels. However, the length of formal evaluation focuses on the logic of estimation, portfolios are hard to evaluate and require the improvement of similar systems for appraisal (Ancess, 2000). Moreover, they give people a hard time when ranking contributors or certain programs that base on quantity or unvarying processes; all the same, if a person decides to rank nurses’ performance using portfolio, the only way to do it is through judgment, but this

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